thoughts, or lackthereof
Except this ship is in Brooklyn and quite docked and a bit far from the East River to rise.
And I was thinkin' to myself, "This could be heaven or this could be hell"
i think about this every day
system error. I have Apple and work on the blockchain, but still. SYSTEM ERROR.
Shocking revelations
from Crypto. From WAGMI to NGMI: What Can Be Unburdened by What Has Been.
on the soft touch required to make our tech palatable
How did we all get here? What is really happening in crypto? And your usual onchain digest.
On protocols as an artistic medium, terra0 and once upon a time in Shaolin
Spring Doughie by Jared Madere, minting now on Orb - scroll down for linkWith the $JENNER and $MOTHER coins taking up a lot of space on X this past w...
(short intro note - we've migrated Touch Grass to Paragraph and are migrating all previous posts, do not despair that nothing is lost!)
We hope the week has been good to you. It’s been a huge one here at Lens.
A few weeks ago, while discussing the audience and what users said about Lens, we received the most excellent feedback we could wish for: people saying Lens was for girls.
Sarah Zucker’s StrabismOn Saturday, after spending our Friday having fun creating the first edition of Touch Grass, I woke up hyped and excited to ke...
Welcome to Touch Grass! We’re kicking off a newsletter to surface what’s happening on Lens and on the wider onchain sphere.
Touch Grass, an onchain digest by Lens